Friday, March 11, 2016


One of the interesting things about the topics of tools was trying to find one that I haven't had an interaction.  This tends to be a problem when you work and live in the tech industry.  I decided to make for my first choice Prezi, which in my opinion is highly engaging yet underused in many spaces.  

Prezi is a Flash-based, cloud-based presentation tool which allows for engaging presentations, mobile, embedded or right from the computer (Prezi 2016).  To give a slight history of Prezi, Prezi was created in 2009 in Budapest and opened the headquarters that same year in San Francisco (Prezi).  Prezi has several abilities such as mobile and web based creations.  The idea of Prezi is that it takes the basic concept of a power point presentation and utilizes multi-media elements to create a unique product that will captivate audiences.  It uses a technology called zooming user interface (ZUI) (Prezi, 2016).  The user based environment is parallax 3D (Prezi, 2016).  Parallax is the concept of an object being displaced on the continuum of two different lines of sight.  In other words, as the viewpoint moves, other objects in the distance appear to move more slowly than the objects close to the camera.  All of which is presented on the Z-axis, which allows the user to convey depth and to mean (Prezi, 2016).  

Prezi has a variety of uses.  It can be used in business, at conferences, in education and in any need that can display information visually.   The human brain has shown to retain more information viewing elements that are presented in a spatial presentation rather than being told or read to; this concept is the spatial memory which is found in the Hippocampus (Burgess, Maguire, & O'Keefe, 2002).   By providing a stimulating, engaging presentation, a leader can interact with their stakeholders through active discussions.  Meaning that when seeming less boring items need to be explained, research shows that presentation and retention go hand in hand (Burgess, Maguire, & O'Keefe, 2002).  If a leader needs to ensure exchange of information, creating a presentation that stimulates a stakeholders neurons would be most efficient in creating a progressive environment. One of the most utilized venues for Prezi is the ever growing TED Conferences.  Other industry leading companies use the power of Prezi when delivering yearly reports, keynote speeches at conferences, and learning tools for students.  In a sense everyone in any industry can use and benefit from the powerful presence Prezi has. 

However, the strongest criticism against Prezi is the same element that makes Prezi unique and dynamic, the ZUI.  The company acknowledged that the ZUI has the potential to cause motion sickness and or nausea (Prezi, 2016).   This is due to excessive visual stimulation that the software creates.  Prezi has created tutorials and assistance to help users develop presentations that would be more appealing to a wider audience.  Over the last several years, users have had issues with Prezi, who have disabilities (Prezi, 2016). The Prezi environment has the difficulties for screen readers or speed control (if set on autoplay), for individuals with various learning differences.  The company is continuing to develop better software and work with other software developers to create adequate plug-ins. 

On a personal note, I have been using Prezi since its inception.  When I was training for Apple, it was one of the highlighted software that we would train clients in precisely the dynamic effects that could be developed using the Prezi presentations and embedded with Apple technology.  I currently use Prezi's in my online training and development courses that I create to stimulate the online learner. When I still taught in a brick and mortar class environment, not only did I create my presentations on Prezi. But I encouraged my students to step out of the PowerPoint box and allow creativity to flow. 

I have included for you a example of a Prezi about Prezi, its development, creation and exploration of engaging presentations.   

(I was going to upload one of my own, however, I realized all of Prezis I currently have on my account are confidential.)


Burgess, N., Maguire, E. & O'Keefe, J. (2002, August). The human hippocampus and spatial and episodic memory. Neuron, 4(35), 625-641. doi:10.1016/S0896-6273(02)00830-9

Prezi (2016). Prezi. Retrieved from


  1. Nice post. As I am sure you noticed. my weekly video intros are done in Prezi, then voiced over using Camtasia.

    One underrated aspect of Prezi is that more than one person can be logged in and working in a Prezi, making it an interesting collaboration system. In my prior office, we used it for brainstorming between 7 of us. I have also seen professors who have groups of students collaboratively build a concept map in Prezi, and then he presents the several different maps to have students analyze what is the same and what is different between them.

  2. Given the difficulties I had with uploading PowerPoint this week I think it's time I moved on from my "go to" presentation application and tried Prezi. In a sense it's a little like giving up skiing for snowboarding, where you given up a certain level of comfort and expertise to become a novice again. However, in the long run it probably makes you more versatile.

  3. This was very insightful post! First, I learned a new word – parallax (which is the apparent change of position). Second, as a result of reading your post I increased my knowledge about Prezi and stronger retention methods for memorization.

    While reading your post I found myself drifting back to my post, which discussed “information overload”. I found myself questioning my own post. Perhaps I’m missing a key piece of information. Maybe it is not just information overload, but it could also be the way in which information is presented. You mentioned how information that is visually displayed tends to be retained better. I’m wondering if we need to look at how information is shared and then evaluate if we hit our mark, and the effectiveness of it. This naturally ties into this week’s readings. What did you think about Weinberger’s assertion that in today’s day in age you can have knowledge at your fingers, but only if you know how to look for it. Do you agree? Is part of our problem not only memorizing but, that our brains are shifting in how they develop and go as a result of technology?

    I attended a brain development workshop last year and the presenters referenced this article: Small, G., & Vorgan, G. (2009). iBrain: Surviving the technological alteration of the modern mind. New York: Collins Living.

    I learned during the session, that children starting at birth are wiring differently compared to past generations. The core of their presentation was how technology impacts different areas of the brain, which is both positive and negative for young children. As with all things, balance and moderation was advocated for when it comes to young children.

    1. Yes, children are being wired differently. I know the article. I used to teach at a public school that gendered their classrooms. Their philosophy was based on that their is boy brains and girl brains. There are many different ways that girls and boys learn. For instance according to research done at Stetson University in Florida, where gender research is one of the main focuses, they have learned one major thing. Girls have a keen understanding of distinction with color and details, as where boys tend to be sound oriented.

    2. One of my favorite recent reads is Michelle Miller's (2014) Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology. In her chapter on the psychology of computing, Michelle discusses the "myth" that using the web rewires the brain...noting that any cognitive activity rewires the brain, and that much of the iBrain material is simply hype.

  4. I love it. Yes Prezi can replace traditional presentation models, with the help of collaboration, and being able to use mobile devices to present (including your phone). However, at the same time there is limitation within Prezi too that Traditional power point has,. One of the major issues is the animation. That is a huge complaint. However, I am not all that found of PPT's animations so Prezi to me is a better choice. Now if we are talking Presentation software I also highly recommend Keynote which is the Apple version of a presentation software.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have not tried Prezi yet, but since I am taking this course, I will move out of my comfort zone and try this. My ppt presentation are beginning to look stale in comparison to those made by others using Prezi. When I see students eyes begin to glaze over due to my presentations, I know that it is definitely time for a change.
